Old Testament Lesson 13 - Gospel Doctrine #GospelDoctrineHelps Here is a link to a BYU Studies article about Margaret Barker and Temple Theology - http://bit.ly/2tUDMaV Here is the link to the book I read from: http://amzn.to/2FZdNUv Here is the link to the Holy Scriptures (JST) online for free - http://bit.ly/2GBmAdh Here is the LDS appendix version online - http://bit.ly/2IwNx2v Here is a link to Price Publishing to buy a new copy of the JST http://bit.ly/2tVX0wJ Here is a link to a book store in Salt Lake that might be able to get you a USED copy of the Holy Scriptures aka JST - http://bit.ly/2pjI8nk Please let me know if I forgot any resources that I mentioned in the video and I’ll add them here. If you have questions, suggests for a show, or comments, please leave them in the comment section below. I’ll do my best to respond or find the resource you need. Reminder - I don’t make money off of this. These aren’t affiliate links. If you want to support this work, do something good for your neighbor. Do an act of selfless service. Give money to the poor and needy. May God bless you in your teaching. Old Testament Lesson 8 - https://youtu.be/9-RkcWiLlhA Old Testament Lesson 9 - https://youtu.be/XmyROm_BRKI Old Testament Lesson 10 - https://youtu.be/s-ZrwDDaHp8 Old Testament Lesson 11 - https://youtu.be/DABnRxLvL8o Old Testament Lesson 12 - https://youtu.be/JcmwS4oPXKI XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to The Interpreter Foundation for releasing Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 63: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 13, Bondage, Passover…. Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 62: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 12, “Fruitful…” Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 61: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 11, “How Can I…” Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 60: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 10, Birthright/Marriage Old Testament Lesson 13: Bondage, Passover, and Exodus Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 58: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 8, Living Righteously Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 57: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 7, The Abrahamic Covenant Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 56: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 6, “Noah…” Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 55: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 5, “If Thou Doest Well…” Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 54: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 4, “Because…” Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 53: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 3, The Creation Hugh Nibley, “The Heritage of Cain” (Pearl of Great Price Lecture Series - 20) DEBATE: Exodus 12, Did the Old Testament “Passover Lamb” Include Everyone? Time Team Special 30 (2008) - The Real Knights of the Round Table (Windsor, Berkshire) Exodus 12-13: Passover Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 52: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 2, “Thou Wast Chosen…” Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 51: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 1, “This Is My Work…” The Tree of Knowledge as the Veil of the Sanctuary - Jeffrey M. Bradshaw A Tower Of Literary Beauty: Wordplay and Chiasmus in the Story of Babel - Jeffrey M. Bradshaw Daniel Smith: The Ancient Israelite Tabernacle, Its Accoutrements, and the Priestly Vestments Six Steps to Passover - Part 4: The Bread and The Wine The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation This Week in Mormons The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation BYU’s Maxwell Institute CAnswersTV Fillask Yale Divinity School The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation The Interpreter Foundation BeyondTodayTV Take a look at The Interpreter Foundation stats and you’ll understand why I am a fan. Video Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGOtyy9FqjQ Video Title: Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 63: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 13, Bondage, Passover… Username: The Interpreter Foundation Subscribers: 2.1K Views: ————————-
More at https://youtu.be/gV_DAslicOA from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fvc-Ak3I0DDFudELbkO1g
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