Sunday 7 April 2019

Submissive In this episode we discuss the question: What does it...

Submissive In this episode we discuss the question: What does it mean to be submissive? In the verse Mosiah 3:19, we are taught to be submissive. To whom must we submit? I hope this is helpful to you as you learn and choose to be like Christ. Thanks for watching. #GospelDoctrineHelps XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to Don’t Miss This for releasing Come Follow Me: Matthew 1 and Luke 1. Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! Come Follow Me: Matthew 2, Luke 2 THIS MAN DIED DURING SURGERY, MET GOD & ASKED HIM, “WHAT’S THE MEANING OF LIFE?” I held my wife’s hand and told her I want a Divorce Manifesting Your Soul’s Purpose with Dr. Wayne Dyer Ex Mormon Gives Most Incredible Testimony EVER! Will Give You Chills! The Ending Of Bird Box Explained A LADY I BABYSAT FOR SCAMMED ME: STORYTIME Abraham Hicks - A Morning Prayer to Set Your Day For Magic WHERE IT ALL STARTED 5 REASONS HE STILL HAS NOT MARRIED YOU! 5 Lessons To Live By - Dr. Wayne Dyer (Truly Inspiring) Why are people so Healthy in Japan? You will cry after watching this video ! Can 2 Strangers Fall in Love with 36 Questions? Dani + Andrew EMILY BELLE FREEMAN: He Met Me Where I Was, As I Was How I Manifested My Husband | LAW OF ATTRACTION SUCCESS STORY Come Follow Me: John 1 Abraham Hicks ~ You Can Start Over Anytime 👯(2019) | No Ads in Video Wayne Dyer - Ways to Awaken Your Hidden Power In Order to Change Your Life, YOU NEED TO LEARN THIS FIRST! (Eye Opening Speech) Don’t Miss This Living For Christ Lessons Taught By Life Hay House Kassie West Bryce Edward Brown Alyssa Coleman Abraham Hicks Unlimited You Claire and the Crosbys Derrick Jaxn Fearless Soul What I’ve Learned Better World Jubilee TOFW TimeOutforWomen LaTisha Styles Don’t Miss This Hands In The Clay Abraham Hicks Habits of the Wealthy Be Inspired Take a look at Don’t Miss This stats and you’ll understand why I am a fan. Video Url: Video Title: Come Follow Me: Matthew 1 and Luke 1 Username: Don’t Miss This Subscribers: 1.1K Views: 7,696 views ————————-

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