Wednesday 25 January 2017

Becoming Great

Great men and women are those who absolutely believe that hey are put on earth to do something wonderful with their lives.

– Brian Tracy

Have you taken the time to decide who you are?

Who are you really?

Are you the person your parents wanted you to be or are you the person you want to be?

Who decides what you will do?

Who decides where you will go?

Is there, anyone other than you, that controls you?

You are in charge of you.

You decide what you will do with your life.

You decide whether you are going to be great or whether you are going to fail.

By your action.

By your own decisions.

You get to decide, regardless of everything else around you, who you will be.

It starts with a decision.

It starts with you deciding who you want to be.

Once the decision is made, then you must take action to accomplish it.

If you want to lose 10 pounds and you’ve made that decision, get to work.

If you want to be a millionaire and you’ve made that decision, get to work.

Whatever it is you can do it, the question is whether you really do want it or not.

And that, my friend, will be determined by what you do.



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