Old Testament Lesson 43 - Gospel Doctrine #GospelDoctrineHelps In this episode we look at the first half of the book of Ezekiel in the Bible. We hit on some of the symbolism in there and that you need to have the same vision and experience the same things that Ezekiel did in order to really understand what it is that he saw. We also go over a good chunk of Ezekiel chapter 34 and how the Lord will feed his Sheep and how this relates to the end of Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon as well as Psalms 23. I hope you enjoy this episode. Please leave your thoughts and comments in the section below. Thanks for watching. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I want to give special thanks to This Week in Mormons for releasing Old Testament Lesson 43: The Shepherds of Israel (Ezekiel). Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos! The Prophet Ezekiel–Part 1: Ezek. 1-11 Interpreter Scripture Roundtable 93: Old Testament Gospel Doctrine Lesson 43, The Shepherds… Ezekiel’s Message Unlocked I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10:11–21) 3282 History: A Summary Of The Old Testament From Genesis To Malachi Israel Ezekia - Wewe ni Mwema (Official Video) Daniel 70 Weeks explained - Chuck Missler Lecture 03 - Book of Mormon - Geopolitics 600 BC - Hugh Nibley - Mormon Jesus at the Center by DARLENE ZSCHECH Sermon: “Shepherd” from Ezekiel 34 | Shepherds in the Bible Joel interviews kid-shepherds in Israel German Shepherds… From REAL German Shepherds to what we have today. SAD. Study Through Ezekiel, Part 35: Chapter 43 The Holy Bible - Book 26 - Ezekiel - KJV Dramatized Audio My German Shepherd, Bella Life Stages from 5 Weeks to 2 Years Quick Study, Ezekiel 43-45 | The Holy District! - August 23, 2017 Lost Sheep of the House of Israel Living like Ancient Jewish Shepherds on Ass Avenue (Part 1) ☼ Family Travel in Israel at Kfar Kedem JOHN 10:1 to v 22. I Am the Good Shepherd. Mormon Stories #274: LDS Church Apologist - Dr. Daniel C. Peterson Pt. 4 BYU Religious Education The Interpreter Foundation Tomorrow’s World Grace to You Grace & Truth Ministries israel ezekia preachingpeter Nibley BookofMormon Nc FERNANDEZ Unlocking the Bible 4goodtunes Mandy Lion Calvary Chapel Tri-Cities tmantz625 Abandoned Steve Quick Study TV Bible Discovery TV Network upfront4u Adventure Family Simon Brown mormonstories Take a look at This Week in Mormons stats and you’ll understand why I am a fan. Video Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZirXTDpO9c Video Title: Old Testament Lesson 43: The Shepherds of Israel (Ezekiel) Username: This Week in Mormons Subscribers: 1.3K Views: 390 views ————————-
More at https://youtu.be/gTVL-5Tj9gQ from https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3fvc-Ak3I0DDFudELbkO1g